The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 3rd May 2018 at 6.15pm in the Community Centre.
Present/ Presennol
Mr A. Jones – Chairman/Cadeirydd
Mr A. Morgan, Mr. T. Jones, Mrs D. Stroud, Mr T. Harris,
Mr N. Francis, Mr K. Sims, Mr I. Ace, Mrs B. John.
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir
Mrs C. Payne.
47/18 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
County Cllr D. Davies
48/18 Declaration of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
No declarations of interest were received
49/18 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 5th April 2018 were accepted as a true record.
50/18 County Councillors Report and Matters Arising
Aqueduct – This item is now with NRW. This railway aqueduct is of significant historical value and will hopefully be preserved by Network Rail who are the current owners and Natural Resources Wales who are responsible for the brook.
The cast iron aqueduct was built 1849 by the George Hennet, Bridgewater Ironworks to carry the Clydach Brook over the Vale of Neath Railway broad gauge double track. The Act for the railway from Neath to Aberdare (with a branch to Merthyr) was passed in 1846 and construction began shortly after with Isambard Kingdom Brunel as the engineer. The line to Aberdare was opened to goods and passengers in 1851 and the Merthyr branch from Gelli Tarw Junction in 1853.
Members are proposing to place a plaque on the aqueduct to mark this historical artefact.
51/18 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion
ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerk’s report was presented and approved. There were no matters arising
52/18. Hanging basket competition
A request was received from Resolven District News to once again sponsor this competition
Resolved to sponsor the competition. The prizes will be 1st £50, 2nd £30 and 3rd £20.
53/18. Relief park keeper
There was one applicant for the position and Mr Gareth Evans has been appointed
54/18. Renewal of insurance
The insurance is due for renewal on 1st June 2018 and it was agreed to use our current insurers Came and Company.
55/18. End of year accounts
The clerk presented the end of year accounts which was approved by the members and will now go to the internal auditor
56/18 Correspondence Received
Mr David Richards has sent his resignation letter. We wish him well in the future
One Voice Wales membership application. Resolved to continue in membership
57/18 Sub-Committee Reports
Parks and Environment – The minutes of the last meeting on 14th April 2018 were accepted as a true record. There were no matters arising
Hall Committee – No matters arising
Finance Committee – The minutes of the last meeting on 19th April 2018 were accepted as a true record. There were no matters arising.
58/18 Chairman’s Report
Cllr A. Jones welcomed members to the new council year and stressed his commitment to the replacing of the multi gym in the park. He also welcomed Cllr Alun Morgan as the new Vice Chair.
59/18 Patient Participation Group
On April 16th 2018 Cllr B. John attended the Patient Participation meeting in Vale of Neath Surgery in Glynneath. Concerned about what services would be left in Resolven when the new health centre is opened she proceeded to ask several relevant questions.
The response was that nothing would be left, as Resolven surgery would be closed. When questioned about the mother and baby clinic, this was met with the same response.
Cllr John expressed deep concern about the problems this would cause for parents being able to travel as well as the extra costs this would involve.
With regards to the new health centre Cllr John asked what other servcies would be available to patients, this included warfaring training for practice nurses, other services will be rolled out in due course.
A re- application grant for a power point has been applied for but the doctors were not confident of approval. Cllr John suggested contacting the new company to establish the cost, as a fellow councillor has suggested a means of raising the funds via £1 per household. The power point would be able to offer services such as breast cancer screening, MRi screening and much more.
Further questions included what services our local Chemist could offer to save travelling to the new centre, and to ensure our local Chemist stays in the village. The response was that more services via the Chemist is being looked into to take some of the stress off the doctors.
Cllr John has spoken to Ross at the Chemist who advised residents to sign up for repeat prescriptions, and using their delivery service which is good for residents with mobility problems, and those living further out of the village.
.60/18 Councillor Reports
Cllr T. Jones reported that he and the Clerk had attended the new General Data Protection Regulations training which will come into force of May 28th 2018
Congratulations to Melissa Gnojek on receiving her Welsh Cap for Ladies Rugby.
With the impending closing of the surgery at Resolven Cllr B. John stressed the need to sign up to the prescription service at the Chemist in order to make sure that it stays open.
Cllr N. Francis will look into the possibility of placing a free standing ATM in the village
The next meeting will be held on 7th June 2018 at 6.15pm at the Community Centre