The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 7th December 2023 at 6pm at the Community Centre
Present/ Presennol
Mr. A. Jones – Chair/Cadeirydd
Mr N. Francis, Mr T. Jones, Mr N. Place, Mr R. Coulter, Mr P. Thomas, Mr P. Martin,
Mrs R. Parfitt, Mr L Whomes
Mrs. C. Payne.
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir – Mr Dean Lewis
Mr Lewis reported that NPT are unable to repair the unadopted road in Glyncastle.
The Dog Wardens have been patrolling the village.
ASW have started to dismantle their storage area. – The question was raised that any new occupiers must preserve the line of the canal.
98/23 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Mr K. Sims, Mrs J. Llewellyn
99/23 Declarations of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
100/23 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 2nd November 2023 were accepted due as a true record.
101/23 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion
ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerk’s report was presented and approved.
102/23 Correspondence
Council Tax Base – precept 20’s plenty
Thanks for 20, Newsletter November 2023 New consultation:
Local Government Finance (Wales) Bill
Audit Wales Newsletter – November
103/23 Sub-Committee Reports
Joint Park/Finance committees – No meetings this month
104/23 Chairman’s Report.
The Chair welcomed our new Councillor Mr Liam Whomes to the meeting.
The Chair reported that the Junior football club has been in touch asking to use the MUGA in the evenings in the New Year. This will be taken to the parks committee in January.
The Resolven Bowls club have purchased a wheelchair for people with disabilities to play bowls.
This is a step towards the club becoming an inclusive club for all to use.
The Christmas lights are up and looking very good.
105/23 Councillors Report
Cllr T. Jones reported that he attended the NPT Liaison and One Voice Wales meetings this month and gave a verbal report to the members.