The Monthly Meeting of the Council was held on Thursday 1st February 2024 at 6pm at the Community Centre
Present/ Presennol
Mr. A. Jones – Chair/Cadeirydd
Mr N. Francis, Mr T. Jones, Mr L Whomes, Mr R. Coulter, Mr P. Thomas
Mrs. C. Payne.
County Member/Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir – not present
Due technical difficulties there was no zoom scheduled for this meeting.
10/24 Apologies for Absence/Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Mr Dean Lewis, Mr N. Place, Mr P. Martin, Mrs J. Llewellyn, Mrs R. Parfitt, Mr. K.Sims.
11/24 Declarations of Interest/Datganiad o ddiddordeb personol
12/24 Minutes of the previous Meeting/Cofnodion y Cyfarfod Diwethaf
The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 11th January 2024 were accepted due as a true record.
13/24 Clerk’s report and Council Matters Arising/Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion
ac adroddiad y Clerc.
The Clerk gave a verbal report.
Matters arising
D.Day Lamp light has been purchased.
TV for Zoom meetings has been purchased.
Muirhall Energy has bee contacted with no response.
BT has been contacted regarding adopting the B T box on Commercial Road.
14/24 Correspondence
OVW -Free Places – Use if IT, Websites and Social Media Training. Clerk and Cllr Francis to attend
Request for land. – Th council does not own any land for grazing.
Reminder – Cost of Living Crisis Survey 2023/24
Late Mail – Garden Party at Buckingham Palace – An invitation for a Councillor and partner to attend.
Cllr Neal Francis will be nominated.
15/24 Sub-Committee Reports
Joint Park/Finance committees – The minutes of the meeting were accepted as a true record.
Some items on the parks minutes were discussed, and they will be reported in the next Parks minutes.
The next meeting will be a special meeting to discuss the MUGA, please make every effort to attend On Thursday 8th February 2024
16/24 Chairman’s Report.
The Chair has visited the MUGA in Ystradgynlais as part of our preparation for our own MUGA project.
16/24 Councillors Report
A report of cars continually parking on the pavements, this will pass to the Police to monitor
The state of the pavements including the dog fouling around the village is causing concern – NPT to be contacted
A report of cars fire damaged in the old ASW yard.
Congratulations to Cllr Peter Thomas who has been accepted into the Mountain Rescue service after months of training.
A Report on the meeting Public Services Board of NPT held on 22/1/24
The meeting was held at the Cabinet Conference Room at the Civic Centre Port Talbot. It was well attended and was held both in person and via Teams.
TATA Steel
Owing to the importance of the changes at the steelworks, Karen Jones the chief executive gave rundown of the present situation. It was little different to that in the media, though any action regarding the PSB would depend on the statutory 9 week consultation process. Mention was made of the package to the workers by the UK government, and partners outlined opportunities within their organisations. The effect of the revision cannot be minimised:
- A yearly hit of £40 million pounds locally to the economy.
- 56% of the workers affected lived in NPT.
- The supply chain would be affected by at least 4x the number of redundancies.
A further report would be forthcoming in March, and there was no doubt the news clouded the meeting.
An excellent presentation was given on the well-being of local ecosystems within NPT which is 40% woodland both planted and semi natural. A mixed report indicated that the area was doing well in some aspects particularly in peat restoration. However, rare plants along the foreshore were declining and butterfly habitats were in a state of flux. However, Dr Charles Hipkin admitted that areas adjacent to NPT were performing more successfully.
Probably the most pertinent of the reports was that of the Police who stated that reversion to old style policing methods had proved beneficial. They also raised concern that the Schools Programme Grant was being curtailed by WG and attention was drawn to the representative of Welsh Government that the board was not satisfied with Cardiff saying one thing and doing the diametric opposite. It is hardly flippant to say the Fire Brigade’s “Dawns Glaw”, (Rain Dance), is literally a prayer for rain to deter arson.
A proposed Workshop Session in February was postponed owing to the TATA situation, and the Board will meet again formally on the 30th April 2024.
Trefor Jones.