Finance Meeting
The Finance meeting was held in the Community Hall on Thursday 10th September 2020 at 6pm
Chairman: Mr. A. Jones
Councillors: Mr. T Jones, Mr. N. Place
Clerk: Cheryl Payne
Apologies: Mr. I Ace, Mr. R. Roberts, Mr. A Morgan
The minutes of the last monthly meeting held on Thursday 9th July 2020 were accepted as a true record.
Financial Reports –
The bank reconciliation and joint accounts to 31/8/20 were presented and approved.
Cllr A. Jones requested that the costs of answering the CO-VID 19 pandemic, be put in a separate column. The costs so far are £1920 in the last financial year and £1640 to date in this financial year.
£1920 – new hot water installations in all the toilets
£1640 – Banners, cleaning materials, park signs, hand sanitiser installations and hand sanitiser,
Ty Banc canal Group
Cllr.T Jones met with the group and other organisations to discuss a nature project at the Resolven side of the canal. The suggestion of an information board was proposed, with the Community Council possibly helping to finance in the future. This will be taken to the full council in October
New Feature in the Park
Should funding be available, it was proposed that a new feature be put in the park over the next few months. A small list will be available for the local residents to vote on.
Defibrillator in Abergarwed
As previously agreed the purchase of the item will be made in due course
Muirhall Energy Ltd
The proposal to approach the company for a donation for the disabled path is not recommended by the finance committee.